Funny Sunday Quotes for Insta

  • “Sunday is the day I planned a lot but actually, do nothing.”
  • “Sunday is my official ‘I don’t have to do anything’ day.”
  • “Sunday: the day I can finally justify my laziness.”
  • “Sunday is the day I refuel my inner couch potato.”
  • “Lazy Sundays are the best kind of Sundays.”
  • “If Sunday had a face, I would kiss it.”
  • “Sunday – the day I planned a lot but actually do nothing.”
  • “Sundays are for coffee and contemplation… and by contemplation, I mean Netflix.”
  • “Sunday is the perfect day to refuel your soul and to be grateful for each and every one of your blessings.”
  • “Sundays are like confetti falling from the sky of the week.”
  • “Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.”
  • “Sunday, the day for the language of leisure.”
  • “Sunday is the day to do nothing and chill.”
  • “I wish Sundays came with a pause button.”
  • “Do nothing and chill on Sunday – it’s the law!”
  • “Sunday is a day of rest, or in my case, a day of endless scrolling.”
  • “Sunday Funday: The day I planned a lot but actually did nothing.”
  • “Sunday: A day to refuel your soul and be grateful for your blessings. Also, a day to binge-watch your favorite shows.”
  • “Sunday is my cheat day for the entire week.”
  • “Sunday vibes: Rest, relax, and recharge for the week ahead.”
  • “Sunday – the day I realize how much I’ve procrastinated.”
  • “Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.”
  • “Sundays are for brunch and bad decisions.”
  • “Sunday checklist: Do nothing and chill.”
  • “Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.”
  • “On Sundays, we wear pajamas all day.”
  • “Sundays are for snuggles, naps, and a whole lot of nothing.”
  • “Sunday – the day I can finally catch up on my sleep debt.”
  • “Sunday is my official ‘do nothing and chill’ day.”
  • “Sundays are made for sipping tea and contemplating why Monday is so far away.”

Funny Sunday Quotes for Status

  • “Sunday is the day I planned a lot but actually do nothing.”
  • “Sunday: the day I can wear pajamas all day and not be judged.”
  • “Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week, but then you have to deal with Monday.”
  • “Sunday is my official ‘do nothing and feel good about it’ day.”
  • “I wish there was a Sunday alarm clock that would shout, ‘No, you can’t hit snooze again!'”
  • “Sunday is the day I convince myself that I’m going to clean, but end up binge-watching a series instead.”
  • “Sunday is the only day you have to recharge before Monday hits you like a ton of bricks.”
  • “Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.”
  • “Sunday is the perfect day to refuel your soul and to be grateful for each and every one of your blessings, like coffee.”
  • “Sunday checklist: Do nothing and chill.”
  • “Sunday is the day I count my blessings and realize how lucky I am… until I realize it’s Monday tomorrow.”
  • “Sunday: The day I can sleep until I’m hungry and eat until I’m sleepy.”
  • “I can’t stop being lazy on Sundays; I’m genetically programmed to do nothing on this day.”
  • “Sunday is the day I can wear my comfiest clothes without judgment. Pajamas all day!”
  • “Sunday is the day I prepare for Monday by doing absolutely nothing.”
  • “Sunday is a day of rest, which means binge-watching TV shows without feeling guilty.”
  • “Sunday is my favorite day to do nothing with style.”
  • “Sunday: The day you realize how much you’ve procrastinated over the weekend.”
  • “Sunday – when even the calendar says, ‘Okay, take it slow.'”
  • “Sunday is the day I officially pretend to prepare for the upcoming week.”
  • “Sunday is the day I can finally justify my laziness as self-care.”
  • “Sunday is the day to refuel your soul and be grateful for your bed.”
  • “Sunday is the day to refuel your spirit and be grateful for the coffee in your hand.”
  • “Sunday: the day I can nap and pretend that I’m training for the Sleep Olympics.”
  • “Sunday is the day I count how many hours of sleep I’ve lost during the week and try to catch up.”
  • “Sunday is the day I follow the wise words of ‘chillaxing’ – chilling and relaxing at the same time.”
  • “Sunday is a reminder that you are awesome, and Monday is a reminder that not everyone knows it.”
  • “Sunday is the day to reflect on all the food you ate over the weekend and vow to start your diet on Monday.”
  • “Sunday is a day to clear the mind of all the unnecessary clutter, like remembering where you left your keys.”
  • “Sunday is the day to embrace the nap life – because adulting is hard, and naps are easy.”

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